Calgary, AB,

Calgary Fire Crews Rescue Woman from House Fire in Riverbend

At approximately 9:00 pm on Friday evening January 25, a call was placed to 9-1-1 regarding a fire in a 2-story walk-out home in the 100 block of Riverside Close S.E. The caller to 9-1-1 also indicated that there may be people trapped in the house. When Calgary Fire Department (CFD) crews arrived on scene, smoke was visible through windows in the interior of the structure. Crews found a woman on the second floor and quickly put up a ladder to a balcony and rescued the woman in her 30’s from the walk-out side of the home. She was then transferred to AHS for assessment. There was also a male patient in his 60’s who self-evacuated prior to CFD’s arrival who was also assessed by AHS. Both residents were transported to hospital due to potential smoke inhalation exposure.

Fire crews quickly located the fire which appears to have originated in the basement and crews limited damage to contents. No exposure buildings were impacted. Fire crews did not find any other occupants in the building. A pair of birds were also rescued from the interior of the home by CFD. Smoke alarms were working and audible when fire crews arrived on scene and entered the home.

A fire investigator has been called to the scene to determine the exact origin and cause of the fire. This fire is being considered accidental in nature.

Calgary Fire would like to remind people that working smoke alarms save lives. Test your smoke alarms monthly, change the battery annually and replace smoke alarms when they reach 10 years of age. For more information on fire prevention and fire safety, please visit
