Calgary, AB,

National Prescription Drug Drop-off Day

The Calgary Police Service is pleased to help promote National Prescription Drug Drop-off Day on Saturday, May 9, 2015. The Service encourages Calgarians to drop off their unused prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications at participating pharmacies, including London Drugs.


Sent on behalf of London Drugs

Calgarians are encouraged to drop off unused and expired medications for proper disposal at participating pharmacies

Properly disposing of drugs is important for a number of reasons, including the safety of your loved ones and the well-being of the environment. Many prescription medications, over-the-counter products and health supplements remain in medicine cabinets and kitchen drawers long after their expiry date, while others are simply unused. At some point in time, they are thrown away in the garbage, flushed down the toilet, or—in the case of liquids—poured down the drain.

Clearing your medication

Most people’s medicine cabinets contain medications or health supplements that have expired or are not being used. These pose a hazard for a number of reasons. For example, expired medications may not be as effective, and family members may be tempted to try “spare” medications that have not been prescribed for them. Ideally, medicine cabinets should be checked over once a year.  When doing so, be sure to:

  • Dispose of any medication that is 12 months old or older
  • Remove any medication not in its original container
  • Remove duplicates of OTC medications, where the older medication is rarely used

Disposing of expired medication should be treated with caution as expired medication is considered hazardous waste. The best way to dispose of expired medication is to bring it directly to a participating pharmacy. 


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Angela Joyce, Media Relations, London Drugs
