Calgary, AB,

New school and playground zone hours in effect September 1

New school and playground zone hours will officially be in effect on September 1, 2014.

Motorists are advised to slow down to 30km/h in school and playground zones during these times:

  • Playground zones are in effect from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., every day of the year.
  • School zones are in effect from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., on school days only.

Changing school and playground zone hours to one consistent time is a proactive measure to improve pedestrian safety.

“This change is really about improving safety in areas where we see high volumes of children,” said Staff Sergeant Paul Stacey with the Calgary Police Service. “These new hours are reflective of the times we see schools and playgrounds being used, and are consistent and easy to remember for drivers.”

The City talked to school boards, the Alberta Motor Association, and other municipalities in Alberta about changing school and playground zone times. Their feedback consistently indicated that the “one hour after sunset” end time for playground zones was not effective, and made it difficult for drivers to consistently follow the rules.

The new times also take into account after-hours activities at schools such as community sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities.

Council approved changes to school and playground zone hours on July 22, 2014. There are180 school zones and 1510 playground zones in the Calgary. City crews have been working diligently throughout the month of August to change the times on almost 5,000 school and playground zone signs city-wide.

Media Contacts:

For questions about enforcement and compliance:

Calgary Police Service Media Line

For background information about this project and questions about signage:

Transportation – Roads