
Pigeon licensing now available under Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw

The City of Calgary is pleased to announce the launch of the third tier of the urban livestock program, recognizing pigeons as domesticated pets under the updated Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) Bylaw. Calgarians can now apply for an urban livestock licence to keep pigeons in the city.

Calgarians seeking a pigeon licence are required to have membership in one of two pigeon associations.

“Unlike keeping urban hens and bees, there is no formal training program available for pigeon care. The required pigeon association membership enables pigeon keepers to connect to the broader pigeon keeping community, where they receive needed care information and access to mentoring,” said Jennifer Lawlor, Strategic Services Leader, Calgary Community Standards.

Association membership includes information on the health and well-being of pigeons, including precautions to take in regard to recent avian flu concerns.

Calgarians interested in applying to keep pigeons must:

· Be 18+ years old or have a parent or guardian apply on their behalf.

·  Acquire a pre-application enquiry file number issued by Planning and Development (if they acquired pigeons after January 1, 2022).

·   Submit a site plan and details of housing needed for pigeons or proof that they kept pigeons prior to January 1, 2022.

·  Provide proof of ownership of property or consent of the property owner.

·  Provide proof of membership in either the Canadian Pigeon Fancier’s Association Inc./Association Canadienne du Pigeon de Fantasie Inc. or the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union.

Similar to beekeeping, Calgarians have been keeping pigeons in the city for over 100 years. Licensing regulation will ensure that any neighbouring concerns are addressed.

The update to the (RPO) Bylaw went into effect on January 1, 2022. Last revised over 12 years ago, the bylaw update recognizes that pet ownership in Calgary has evolved and includes the expansion of urban livestock. The bylaw continues to create a safe environment for pets and Calgarians.

More information on the urban livestock program and the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw is available on
