
City enhances fleet with six emission-free electric ice resurfacers. Meet IceWolf.

Thanks to funding from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC), The City will have six more electric ice resurfacers. 

“These electric ice resurfacers are part of our growing fleet of 100+ green vehicles and equipment technologies,” says Majid Asefi, director of Fleet & Inventory. “By incorporating fully electric and other low carbon technologies into our operations we are reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contributing to The City’s Climate Strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.”

The cost for the six electric ice resurfacers is being subsidized by a grant of almost $300K through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre's Electric Vehicles for Municipalities Program. In total, The City of Calgary has been allocating close to $1.5M from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre and Federation of Canadian Municipalities towards the cost of purchasing electric and other green technologies.

“With these six new electric ice resurfacers, The City will have a total of eight emission-free machines smoothing the ice at our arenas. So far, these newer, greener models have lower preventative maintenance costs, are quieter to operate and do not emit emissions which improves the indoor air quality for athletes, spectators and operators,” says Greg Steinraths, regional operations manager for Recreation & Social Programs.

The Engo ‘IceWolf’ ice resurfacers are emission-free and are replacing older natural gas-powered units. By adding six electric ice resurfacers we will eliminate almost 28 tonnes of CO2e a year.

Visit for more information on The City’s Green Fleet Strategy or to learn more about funding programs through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre. The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre is a partnership of Alberta Municipalities, the Rural Municipalities of Alberta, and the Government of Alberta. Funding for the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities Program was provided by the Government of Alberta.