
City enhances Active & Safe Routes to School with wayfinding signage in New Brighton Central Park

The City of Calgary has installed six temporary wayfinding signs in New Brighton Central Park - a step towards promoting active and safe routes to school within the community.

The signs are part of an initiative proposed by students participating in the Active & Safe Routes to School Program.  As part of the pilot, the wayfinding signs will remain in place until the end of October, giving time for users to provide feedback through 311.

“With this pilot, the students are hoping to create safer, easier, and more accessible travel options for families walking and wheeling to school by enhancing pathways and school travel routes with this directional signage,” says Jacquelyn Oriold, Transportation Safety Education Specialist at The City of Calgary. “Lighting apprehensions and the fear of getting lost were identified as key factors inhibiting independent navigation by students. The introduction of enhanced wayfinding signs not only addresses these concerns but also enriches the overall experience of using the extensive pathway system around New Brighton Central Park.”

The directional signage has been strategically placed to guide students, particularly youngsters, towards the three schools adjacent to New Brighton Central Park: New Brighton School, Dr. Martha Cohen School, and St. Marguerite School. In addition to these signs, detailed pathway maps have been positioned at key locations, further aiding navigation. The maps have also been distributed to the local schools and the community, providing valuable resources for students and residents alike.

The Active & Safe Routes to School Program is a collaboration between The City of Calgary and Ever Active Schools (EAS). The partnership aims to further elevate the quality of travel options for students while addressing ongoing transportation and traffic safety concerns in school areas.

Krystal Lamb, Active School Travel Facilitator for Ever Active Schools, says EAS along with St. Marguerite School, Dr. Martha Cohen School and New Brighton School through the ASRS program, worked on the pathway wayfinding project to “make navigating the amazing pathway system around New Brighton easier and more fun for both students and all community members. The project hoped to empower students to make an active choice for their commute to/from school, as wayfinding signage could assist with students feeling more familiar and confident with navigating the pathway system.”  

The New Brighton Community Association and New Brighton Resident Association have also expressed their support for this project, underlining the collaborative efforts invested in fostering a secure and united neighborhood. The wayfinding project has been completely funded through the Active & Safe Routes to School Program and does not utilize community/residents’ association fees.

Provide feedback

The City of Calgary and Ever Active Schools invite feedback from residents to assess the impact of the wayfinding signage. Calgarians with any questions or comments related to the pilot, or to show their support for future permanent signage, can contact 311 to provide feedback.